I realise the hate and racism people have for unconventional builds, and it sickens me. Here's a few that i have come across recently:
1) "Yorick can't jungle worth shit! He can't gank, he can't push, all he has is a lousy ulti and nothing else to carry his fat ass shit!"
2) "Soraka can't take mid. U Mad, low elo scrub? Soraka is soft and useless. Take annie u dumb ass noob"
3) "Teemo with warmog and atma? What the Fish? Are you trolling me?"
Well, here's the thing: Unconventional builds are unconventional, but it doesn't mean that they are outright useless. Unconventional builds are unique ways of playing champions. It's, in a sense, a way of bringing out hidden potentials of certain champions in a way that is unique to oneself. So, clan mates, i hope you all are open minded people and do not condemn those using unconventional build (kindly tell those who are using AP yi for the first time in ranked to not do so
) and support them with constructive criticism and positive attitudes. Oh, and here's a few simple builds i have come up with that has worked out well for me:
1) Jungling Yorick (i have tested and won with this build twice in ranked):
Core Items: Wriggle's Lantern (which you can later sell for Bloodthirster, or not), Frozen Mallet, Atma, Trinity Force, Wits End, Mercury Treads
Optional Items: Banshee's Veil, Force of Nature, Sunfire Cape, Manamune
Jungling Route: Blue - Wolves - Wraiths - Lizards - Golems - Gank
Things to note as a jungling yorick:
- Always remind your team mates to never over extend.
- Always lead with your slow ghoul behind the enemy champ (towards where he will run but still hitting him) to maximize your slow potential and also to make the cool down for the next slow as low as possible
- Try to get sheen as early as possible
- Yorick makes for a good lane holder and lane pusher when spamming ghoul
- Always use your ultimate on your ally that has the most damage potential. This means, sometimes using it on your ap can be more useful than your ad.
- Learn to ward places (get some gp5 itemsto help with the gold) and be a team player
- Playing a jungle yorick means you will basically fulfill the roles of ganking, tanking, lane holder, buffer, initiater and in certain occasion, support
2) Mid Soraka (tried and tested. Good against akali, kennen, ahri and kass):
Core items: Sorcerer's Shoes, RoA, Abysmal Scepter, Rylai, Rabadon's Cap
Optional Item: Mejai Soulstealer (this baby works wonders at times), Zhonya Hourglass, Lichbane, Deathfire Grasp
Things to note as Mid Soraka:
- Your main ability is constant poking. Burst damage is not your thing, so don't go in all rambo and shit.
- Manaless poking silence skill? U Mad, skill dependant opponent? always try to lead with your starcall and a silence.
- Feel free to carry an ignite to help you with the kill, but i'd still suggest exhaust to prevent those pesky dive in and out champs like ahri and kennen. It helps to reduce their damage.
- Always silence enemy dependant champions during team fights.
- Spam starcalls if you do get lichbane. it helps proc the burst damage every 2 secs.
- REmember, you are NOT the support this time, so feel free to be a little more aggro (a little, not all rambo and shit)
- Don't be stingy with your heals, feel free to spend it on your allies.
- A well timed silence, starcall and ulti might mean the difference between a good team fight and a lousy one.
3) Tankmo (tried and tested. will not kill as much but hell, the global taunt almost guarantees victory):
Core items: Warmog or Frozen Mallet (or both
), Atma, Wits End, Ionic Spark, Beserkers Greaves
Optional Item: Rylai (slow much?), Hextech Gunblade (seriously have a slow fetish?), Sunfire Cape (i'd use this baby on any tank), Banshee's Veil
Notes on using a Tankmo:
- be brave, taunt them and bait them like a BAUWS!!
- Try to always take the top solo lane. You will usually dominate it if you play smart and safe
- gp5 items are optional on tankmo, but i'd rather rush his core items
- Mushrooms are your free wards/allies/slow/finisher/farming tool. Use it when it is available. Stacking it is just plain dumb.
- As a tankmo, your job is to be that little rubber ducky that attracts those dumb idiots into the slaughter house.
- Aim the soft carries. always remember.... YOU HAVE A FRIGGIN BLIND SKILL!! use it on the ad champs and you shall see the beautiful light of victory.
- Tower dive for your allies if you feel like you can tank the tower.
- Take cleanse as a summoner spell, if you feel like you are up against CC heavy teams.
- Ashe ulti heading your way? Annie got a stun and tibbers waiting in the brush? Caitlyn setting up to screw your ally with her snipe? Tank those like a BAUWS for your allies.
So, those are the unconventional builds i have had so far. I'll add more when i come up with new ones. I might even make specific guides for the one's i have mentioned with details and pictures, if i have the time
Until then, thanks for reading!! And always remember:
A Dazzle a Day keeps the trolls away.