Jungle tier list for those who don't know what to pick as jungler.
(made by stonewall) from best to worse
God Tier " Udyr, Skarner, Lee Sin
Tier 1 " Trundle, Cho Gath, Gangplank, Maokai, Rammus, Nocturne, Shaco, Amumu, Malphite, Master Yi
Tier 2 " Jarvan, Pantheon, Kadamode, Renekton, Xin Zhao, Shyvana, Tryndamere, Olaf, Wukong, Soraka, Volibear
Tier 3 " Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Alistar, Blitzcrank, Sion, Taric, Twisted Fate, Karma, Kayle, Twitch, Shen, Karthus, Eve
Tier 4 " Yorick, Nasus, Warwick, Galio, Irelia, Gragas, Dr Mundo, Akali, Ezreal
Tier 5 " Mordekaiser, Graves, Orianna, Ahri, Talon
IMO i disagree that leesin is god tier jungler since his early ganks have been slowed 15 sec and his jungling speed is not fast at all. Not to mention his sustain that is not as good as Udyr or skarner (If u want sustain u have to sacrifice A LOT of damage and add W instead of Q) Rammus and shaco early gank is just better Rammus have higher jungling speed, higher mobility, have hard CC, have soft CC and can dive turret without worry. While shaco can take red and blue at lvl 2 and gank when laner still is lvl 1. Double buff gank is just too over powered at lvl 2 not to mention shaco can buy Boot and 3 pot to do double buff. However shaco fade late game just like leblanc.
BTW what i'd like u guys to see is WW is in tier "4" meaning he SUCK in jungle now and fiddle stick is in tier "3". both of them used to be tier 1 but due to the jungle change they got nerfed hard. (ww jungle is worse than jungle tf LoL!)